• Mashup Score: 0
    A Desquamating Rash - 2 year(s) ago

    [Ann Emerg Med. 2013;61:118.]

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    • #FOAMed #PED Case: https://t.co/1fpmLMgnrt • 19 m/o female with a worsening perioral rash noted 4 days before • PT appeared uncomfortable, with a pulse rate of 143 beats/min, respiration 18 breaths/min, SpO2 of 99%, and a temperature of 99.6°F https://t.co/T8gUbVQy2I

  • Mashup Score: 3

    A 7-month-old girl presented to the emergency department with 1 month of intermittent, progressive swelling and bruising around the left eye. Parents denied any trauma, concern for maltreatment, and systemic or neurologic symptoms. Physical examination was notable for periorbital ecchymosis and edema (Figure 1), with the left eye turned downward and inward (hypotropia and esotropia) as well as…

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    • #FOAMed #PED #PEM Case: https://t.co/8PBZ9UkfCE • 7 m/o female with 1 month of intermittent, progressive swelling and bruising around the left eye • Parents denied any trauma, concern for maltreatment, and systemic or neurologic symptoms https://t.co/xE1Z45cnbB

  • Mashup Score: 1

    A 3-month-old, healthy, term, male infant presented to the emergency department for evaluation of an abdominal mass detected on clinical examination. His parents noticed increased abdominal fullness and green stools but thought that the infant was otherwise in his usual state of health. Vital signs were normal. Physical examination revealed a left upper abdominal mass and right scrotal hydrocele….

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    • #FOAMed #PED Case: https://t.co/TZCHRq49KP • 3-month-old male with an abdominal mass detected on clinical examination • PT’s parents noticed increased abdominal fullness and green stools but thought that the infant was otherwise in his usual state of health https://t.co/3UiluoY7QI

  • Mashup Score: 0

    A 13-year-old, developmentally appropriate, Tanner’s stage IV boy, with history of type 1 diabetes, presented to a tertiary care pediatric emergency department after development of dysuria, urgency, and frequency, with mild gross hematuria. He did not have any systemic symptoms such as fevers, chills, or rigors. He did not have flank pain.

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    • #FOAMed #PED Case: https://t.co/WEITlYCvdL • 13 y/o male came to ED with development of dysuria, urgency, and frequency, with mild gross hematuria • PT did not have any systemic symptoms such as fevers, chills, or rigors https://t.co/3TNrX9cQH7

  • Mashup Score: 0

    A 7-month-old male infant presented with fever for 2 days and rash for 1 day. The patient had received a diagnosis of croup 1 week before admission. Physical examination revealed hypotension and purpuric lesions with surrounding erythema over the right thigh and buttock (Figure 1). Laboratory testing revealed anemia, neutropenia, and hyponatremia. The buttock lesion evolved into a gangrenous…

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    • #FOAMed #PED Case: https://t.co/Wi5FexTgD7 • 7 m/o male with fever for 2 days and rash for 1 day • PT received a diagnosis of croup 1 week before admission • PE revealed hypotension and purpuric lesions with surrounding erythema over the right thigh and buttock https://t.co/nPsv4JSi6M

  • Mashup Score: 6

    A 16-year-old previously healthy male adolescent was admitted to the ICU with sudden left hemiparesis. Head computed tomography result without contrast was normal, whereas magnetic resonance imaging showed an extensive right middle cerebral artery infarction. Magnetic resonance angiography found absence of flow within the right internal carotid artery from its origination to its distal portion,…

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    • #FOAMed #PED Case: https://t.co/hvMWM4Ma6X • 16 y/o male with sudden left hemiparesis • CT result without contrast was normal, whereas magnetic resonance imaging showed an extensive right middle cerebral artery infarction https://t.co/5Ku1iSdpL8

  • Mashup Score: 1

    A 12-year-old boy with a recent history of sinusitis and acute otitis media presented to the emergency department with 3 weeks of upper neck pain and generalized weakness. He also reported headaches and occasional diplopia and vomited twice the day before presentation. The patient was afebrile, with normal vital signs. On examination, he was listless and found to have a left-sided ear effusion,…

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    • RT @ACEPNow: #FOAMed #PED Case: https://t.co/hYwPrhJdUX • 12 y/o male; history of sinusitis and acute otitis media; came to ED with 3 week…