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    We report a case of medial femoral trochlea flap used for scaphoid proximal pole reconstruction, in which the transverse branch of the descending genicular artery was vestigial. The medial metaphyseal periosteal artery was clearly the dominant pedicle supplying the trochlear region. The flap was safely raised on the medial metaphyseal periosteal artery pedicle. The incidence of this uncommon…

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    • The #MedialMetaphysealPeriostealArtery (#MMPA): An Alternate #Pedicle for the #MedialFemoralTrochleaFlap @NthSydHealth @Sydney_Uni @drdavestewart #AnatomicalVariant #ScaphoidReconstruction #HandSurgery #OrthoTwitter #MedTwitter https://t.co/8oAKZLylMc