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    Recent Guardian articles have been reporting how this year’s GCSE exam results have been impacted by the crisis in young people’s mental health. There is increasing concern among school leaders about school absence and abnormal levels of anxiety. As I embark on the third blog related to my research, I explore how the research processes I developed, positively impacted the young people involved and acts as a counter to much of what young people see as being wrong with schools.

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    • In this interesting blog, @davemcp reflects on the role of power in #Schools, how it has impacted identity and agency for young people, and how this has contributed to his research. Read the full blog for more information. https://t.co/Lvwt4a8H5g

  • Mashup Score: 3

    Research has shown that many risk factors influence young people’s mental health needs, one of which is school expectations. The youth mental health crisis continues, with one in six young people (aged 6-16) having a probable mental health problem. My research aimed to determine what young people thought of their mental health strategy. However, the way in which the research process developed suggests schools have much more to offer than just specific mental health support.

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    • Exploring his own research into developing #Schools to enhance young people's #MentalHealth, @davemcp provides valuable insight into how he applied theory to practice, especially with regards to Freire’s (1970) ‘problem posing’ education. Full blog: https://t.co/oj5tMMje1L .

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    Research has shown that many risk factors influence young people’s mental health needs, one of which is school expectations. The youth mental health crisis continues, with one in six young people (aged 6-16) having a probable mental health problem. My research aimed to determine what young people thought of their mental health strategy. However, the way in which the research process developed…

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    • In this interesting @acamh blog, @davemcp explores how his #Research into determining what young people thought of their school’s #MentalHealth strategy suggests that #Schools have much more to offer than just specific mental health support. A must read. https://t.co/oj5tMMje1L

  • Mashup Score: 2

    Research has shown that many risk factors influence young people’s mental health needs, one of which is school expectations. The youth mental health crisis continues, with one in six young people (aged 6-16) having a probable mental health problem. My research aimed to determine what young people thought of their mental health strategy. However, the way in which the research process developed…

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    • In this @acamh blog, @davemcp explores developing #Schools to enhance young people’s #MentalHealth & provides insight into his research into determining what young people thought of their mental health strategy. Read the full blog at https://t.co/oj5tMMje1L to learn more.

  • Mashup Score: 0

    Research has shown that many risk factors influence young people’s mental health needs, one of which is school expectations. The youth mental health crisis continues, with one in six young people (aged 6-16) having a probable mental health problem. My research aimed to determine what young people thought of their mental health strategy. However, the way in which the research process developed…

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    • ‘I believe this research gives us an opportunity to help rebalance schools’ In this blog, @davemcp explores developing #Schools to enhance young people’s #MentalHealth & provides insight into his research in this area. Full blog: https://t.co/oj5tMMje1L .

  • Mashup Score: 3

    Research has shown that many risk factors influence young people’s mental health needs, one of which is school expectations. The youth mental health crisis continues, with one in six young people (aged 6-16) having a probable mental health problem. My research aimed to determine what young people thought of their mental health strategy. However, the way in which the research process developed…

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    • In this insightful blog, @davemcp discusses developing #Schools to enhance young people’s #MentalHealth & shares the benefits of working with a young research team of sixth formers to help improve school engagement. Full blog: https://t.co/oj5tMMje1L #MentalHealthResearch

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    In this ‘Papers Podcast’, we are joined by Professor Andra Siibak and Kristjan Kikerpill (pic) to discuss their CAMH journal 2023 Special issue paper ‘Schools engaged in doom-monitoring students’ online interactions and content creation: an analysis of dominant media discourses’.

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    • In this podcast, Kristjan Kikerpill & Andra Siibak of @unitartu provide fascinating insight into their @TheCAMH Special Issue paper on #Schools engaged in doom-monitoring students’ online interactions & content creation. A must listen: https://t.co/sT900gkJ8Y https://t.co/kYYLCVLtxO

  • Mashup Score: 0

    In this ‘Papers Podcast’, we are joined by Professor Andra Siibak and Kristjan Kikerpill (pic) to discuss their CAMH journal 2023 Special issue paper ‘Schools engaged in doom-monitoring students’ online interactions and content creation: an analysis of dominant media discourses’.

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    • In this interesting podcast, on their @TheCAMH Special Issue paper, Kristjan Kikerpill & Andra Siibak of @unitartu discuss the global nature of #OnlineMonitoring of #Students’ online interactions & content creation in #Schools. Listen now to learn more: https://t.co/sT900gkJ8Y https://t.co/2kLHMH6403