Mashup Score: 12
Nature – We find that RAS-mutant leukaemia stem cells are resistant to venetoclax, driving clinical resistance and relapse with monocytic features.
Source: www.nature.comCategories: General Medicine News, Future of MedicineTweet
Mashup Score: 13The surprising science behind doppelgängers - 4 day(s) ago
Scientists have found genetic similarities that can make total strangers share an uncanny resemblance.
Source: www.nationalgeographic.comCategories: General Medicine News, Future of MedicineTweet
Mashup Score: 436The Epigenetic Hallmarks of Cancer - 9 day(s) ago
Abstract. Cancer is a complex disease in which several molecular and cellular pathways converge to foster the tumoral phenotype. Notably, in the latest iteration of the cancer hallmarks, “nonmutational epigenetic reprogramming” was newly added. However, epigenetics, much like genetics, is a broad scientific area that deserves further attention due to its multiple roles in cancer initiation, progression, and adaptive nature. Herein, we present a detailed examination of the epigenetic hallmarks affected in human cancer, elucidating the pathways and genes involved, and dissecting the disrupted landscapes for DNA methylation, histone modifications, and chromatin architecture that define the disease.Significance: Cancer is a disease characterized by constant evolution, spanning from its initial premalignant stages to the advanced invasive and disseminated stages. It is a pathology that is able to adapt and survive amidst hostile cellular microenvironments and diverse treatments implemented
Source: aacrjournals.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Future of MedicineTweet
Mashup Score: 436The Epigenetic Hallmarks of Cancer - 15 day(s) ago
Abstract. Cancer is a complex disease in which several molecular and cellular pathways converge to foster the tumoral phenotype. Notably, in the latest iteration of the cancer hallmarks, “nonmutational epigenetic reprogramming” was newly added. However, epigenetics, much like genetics, is a broad scientific area that deserves further attention due to its multiple roles in cancer initiation, progression, and adaptive nature. Herein, we present a detailed examination of the epigenetic hallmarks affected in human cancer, elucidating the pathways and genes involved, and dissecting the disrupted landscapes for DNA methylation, histone modifications, and chromatin architecture that define the disease.Significance: Cancer is a disease characterized by constant evolution, spanning from its initial premalignant stages to the advanced invasive and disseminated stages. It is a pathology that is able to adapt and survive amidst hostile cellular microenvironments and diverse treatments implemented
Source: aacrjournals.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Future of MedicineTweet
Mashup Score: 1022/10/2024 "ALGUNS ASPECTES DE LA MEDICINA PERSONALITZADA" - Reial Academia de Medicina de Catalunya - 15 day(s) ago
22/10/2024 “ALGUNS ASPECTES DE LA MEDICINA PERSONALITZADA” redactada por Reial Academia de Medicina de Catalunya
Source: ramc.catCategories: General Medicine News, Future of MedicineTweet
Mashup Score: 1
Manel Esteller: Bidirectional impact of epigenetics and genetics / AACR, cancer, Cancer Discovery, Cigall Kadoch, Epigenetic Hallmarks of Cancer, Feyruz
Source: oncodaily.comCategories: General Medicine News, Future of MedicineTweet
Mashup Score: 18Updates on Genetics and Epigenetics of Haematological Malignancies: From Knowledge to Applications - 22 day(s) ago
We are pleased to welcome you to the Symposium “Updates in the Genetics and Epigenetics of Haematological Malignancies: From Knowledge to Applications”. Organized by Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute, the meeting will be held at the new headquarters of the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute, Badalona, Barcelona, from 20th-22nd November 2024. During the symposium, world-class expert s will share their views and thoughts on their journey against cancer from multiple points of view: cell
Source: eira.meetingpharma.comCategories: General Medicine News, Future of MedicineTweet
Mashup Score: 433The Epigenetic Hallmarks of Cancer - 23 day(s) ago
Abstract. Cancer is a complex disease in which several molecular and cellular pathways converge to foster the tumoral phenotype. Notably, in the latest iteration of the cancer hallmarks, “nonmutational epigenetic reprogramming” was newly added. However, epigenetics, much like genetics, is a broad scientific area that deserves further attention due to its multiple roles in cancer initiation, progression, and adaptive nature. Herein, we present a detailed examination of the epigenetic hallmarks affected in human cancer, elucidating the pathways and genes involved, and dissecting the disrupted landscapes for DNA methylation, histone modifications, and chromatin architecture that define the disease.Significance: Cancer is a disease characterized by constant evolution, spanning from its initial premalignant stages to the advanced invasive and disseminated stages. It is a pathology that is able to adapt and survive amidst hostile cellular microenvironments and diverse treatments implemented
Source: aacrjournals.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Future of MedicineTweet
Mashup Score: 9Característica epigenética ayuda a predecir eficacia de inmunoterapia en mieloma múltiple - 26 day(s) ago
El estado epigenético del receptor PVR podría ser un buen marcador pronóstico del mieloma múltiple, según la última investigación del laboratorio de Epigenética del cáncer que dirige el Dr. Manel Esteller en el Instituto de Investigación contra la Leucemia Josep Carreras. Los investigadores descubrieron que las células del mieloma múltiple con niveles más bajos de PVR eran más sensibles a la inmunoterapia, lo que ayudaba a estratificar a los pacientes en la clínica. Además, atacar esta proteína mediante
Source: www.lavanguardia.comCategories: General Medicine News, Future of MedicineTweet
Mashup Score: 432The Epigenetic Hallmarks of Cancer - 28 day(s) ago
Abstract. Cancer is a complex disease in which several molecular and cellular pathways converge to foster the tumoral phenotype. Notably, in the latest iteration of the cancer hallmarks, “nonmutational epigenetic reprogramming” was newly added. However, epigenetics, much like genetics, is a broad scientific area that deserves further attention due to its multiple roles in cancer initiation, progression, and adaptive nature. Herein, we present a detailed examination of the epigenetic hallmarks affected in human cancer, elucidating the pathways and genes involved, and dissecting the disrupted landscapes for DNA methylation, histone modifications, and chromatin architecture that define the disease.Significance: Cancer is a disease characterized by constant evolution, spanning from its initial premalignant stages to the advanced invasive and disseminated stages. It is a pathology that is able to adapt and survive amidst hostile cellular microenvironments and diverse treatments implemented
Source: aacrjournals.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Future of MedicineTweet
Catching up with great recent articles in @Nature : -Eirini P. Papapetrou @PapapetrouMDPhD lab showing how mutant ras in stem cells drive #venetoclax resistance https://t.co/EFnQH7nSoV -Dana Pe’er @dana_peer & Karuna Ganesh @KarunaMDPhD groups characterizing the plasticity of… https://t.co/Z3rzVKL4Fl https://t.co/3qDtX0E5Yz