Mashup Score: 11A Call for Action: Lessons Learned From a Pilot to Share a Complex, Linked COVID-19 Cohort Dataset for Open Science - 6 day(s) ago
The COVID-19 pandemic proved how sharing of genomic sequences in a timely manner, as well as early detection and surveillance of variants and characterisation of their clinical impacts helped to inform public health responses. However, the area of (re-)emerging infectious diseases and our global connectivity require interdisciplinary collaborations to happen at local, national and international levels and connecting data to understand the linkages between all factors involved. Here, we describe experiences and lessons learned from a COVID-19 pilot study aimed at developing a model for storage and sharing linked laboratory data and clinical-epidemiological (CE) data using European open science infrastructure. We provide insights into the barriers and complexities of internationally sharing linked, complex cohort datasets from opportunistic studies for connected data analyses. An analytical timeline of events, describing key actions and delays in the execution of the pilot, and a critica
Source: publichealth.jmir.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet
Mashup Score: 1
Annually, an estimated 11 million people require medical treatment for burn wounds globally. Mortality rates of burn wounds requiring treatment are high and can even reach up to 25%, depending on many factors, including age, socioeconomic factors, and the size of the wound (1). It is estimated that bacterial infections account for 75% of this mortality (2, 3). Burn wounds are especially prone to infection due to the disruption of the skin barrier, leading to impaired host defenses. Consequently, wound healing is delayed, and hospital stays are prolonged (4). Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is one of the major causative agents of burn wound infections. To treat burn wound infections, wound debridement is typically performed to remove the affected tissue, and topical antimicrobial therapy is initiated, usually together with systemic antibiotic administration (5). For topical treatment, antimicrobial ointments (e.g., silver sulfadiazine) or antibiotics are often used, with mupirocin and
Source: journals.asm.orgCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet
Mashup Score: 11ESA Midterm Conference - 7 day(s) ago
This year’s theme delves into the intersection of health, care, and crisis within the framework of risk sociology.
Source: www.eur.nlCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet
Mashup Score: 38
Would you like to study the ecology and spread of mosquito borne viruses on the human-animal interface? Join our research group!
Source: www.academictransfer.comCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet
Mashup Score: 18
Universities filed an additional lawsuit Monday that seeks to halt the cuts nationally.
Source: www.washingtonpost.comCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet
Mashup Score: 39
COMPLAINT for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief against Matthew Memoli, M.D., M.S., U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ( HHS), Dorothy Fink, National Institutes of Health Filing fee: $ 405, receipt number AMADC-10832195 (Fee Status: Filing Fee paid), filed by COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Category Form)(Dirks, Katherine) (Entered: 02/10/2025)
Source: www.courtlistener.comCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet
Mashup Score: 39
COMPLAINT for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief against Matthew Memoli, M.D., M.S., U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ( HHS), Dorothy Fink, National Institutes of Health Filing fee: $ 405, receipt number AMADC-10832195 (Fee Status: Filing Fee paid), filed by COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Category Form)(Dirks, Katherine) (Entered: 02/10/2025)
Source: www.courtlistener.comCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet
Mashup Score: 174
Tijdens de coronacrisis pleitten beleidsmakers en politici voor een goede voorbereiding op de volgende pandemie. Nu de herinnering aan de uitbraak vervaagt, gebeurt dat ook met de animo voor investeringen. ‘We hebben van corona een les gehad, maar we hebben hem niet goed geleerd.’
Source: FD.nlCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet
Mashup Score: 61De griepepidemie uitgelegd - 8 day(s) ago
Ontdek een interactief verhaal van NOS.
Source: specials.app.nos.nlCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet
Mashup Score: 149250.000 demonstranten in München tegen samenwerking met AfD - 8 day(s) ago
Vorige week haalde een asielmotie van CDU/CSU een meerderheid dankzij steun van AfD. Samenwerking met radicaal-rechts werd tot dan toe altijd uitgesloten.
Source: nos.nlCategories: General Medicine News, Infectious DiseaseTweet
we REALLY wanted to share data from anonymised clinical studies with complex linked lab analyses. Here is what it took...... Ask the persons involved, they will say; nah....let's not do that again. So time to rethink the " open data " mantra. .... https://t.co/ry1XndXh7H https://t.co/Tj9rUHdWZF