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    Basford JR. The Law of Laplace and its relevance to contemporary medicine and rehabilitation. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2002;83:1165-70. Objective: To show that the Law of Laplace is not only a historical curiosity but also remains relevant to our daily teaching and clinical activities. Data Sources: Comprehensive MEDLINE (1960–2000) and CINAHL (1982–2000) computer literature searches performed by…

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    • 🔆. Ever nerd out on physics principles at the bedside when talking about heart failure? 📢 One of my favorites: The Law of Laplace shows up nearly every week I am on teaching rounds. Just ask @mastorismd or @aniket_rali how painful I can be. https://t.co/2hlxVB9HdS https://t.co/AGQyny0DFt