Mashup Score: 72MT2020+ Salsa Against Stroke - 16 day(s) ago
Donate online now to SVIN Mission Thrombectomy. Donations are fast, safe and secure.
Source: svin.givingfuel.comCategories: General Medicine News, NeurologyTweet
Mashup Score: 66MT2020+ Salsa Against Stroke - 8 month(s) ago
Donate online now to SVIN Mission Thrombectomy. Donations are fast, safe and secure.
Source: svin.givingfuel.comCategories: General Medicine News, NeurologyTweet-
🧠🌍 On World Stroke Thrombectomy Day, let's take a moment to reflect how far we've come with stroke care. As we celebrate our progress, the race is now on to increase access to one of the most powerful treatments in medicine. Please support @MThrombectomy https://t.co/llRgqWZgdn https://t.co/tHopnpZ3kU
🧠🌍 On World Stroke Thrombectomy Day, let's take a moment to reflect how far we've come with stroke care. As we celebrate our progress, the race is now on to increase access to one of the most powerful treatments in medicine. Please support @MThrombectomy https://t.co/llRgqWZgdn https://t.co/tHopnpZ3kU