• Mashup Score: 0

    We asked Sally Blount, a Fortune 500 board member and former dean at the Kellogg School of Management, and Paul Leinwand, principal at PwC Strategy and author, to respond to an early-career professional seeking to become a CEO. Blount provides three proven pathways to C-suite.

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    • Nice article highlighting 3 crucial skills for higher-order leadership, in any field. Ask an Expert: How Do I Become a CEO? https://t.co/08HmdBFDvU

  • Mashup Score: 3

    The author presents a four-step framework for being intentional in identifying opportunities for sponsorship and using social connections to lift up those who might otherwise go unnoticed.

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    • If you are a leader in your field/institution please 🙏 read this article. All lab PIs, department heads, chairs & deans should read it. “Sponsorship is a personal action that all of us can take to help make the world a more equitable place.” https://t.co/yA6MumHhzU #womeninSTEM https://t.co/bimYZ9ARJh