• Mashup Score: 655
    Death by Lockdown - 4 year(s) ago

    “We attempted to intimidate a virus with PhDs and political power, hoping that it would shrivel and die, and in so doing dramatically disabled human freedom and social functioning. What do we have to show for it? Massive carnage, and a virus that is still with us.” ~ Jeffrey A. Tucker

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    • Well said: "Instead of dealing rationally with a textbook virus ... we embarked on a new social/political experiment in lockdowns. What do we have to show for it? Massive carnage, and a virus that is still with us" #LockdownsFailed #TruthWillPrevail https://t.co/KyIcBwBGMM

  • Mashup Score: 525

    Our approach to the Covid-19 pandemic has been a scientific folly. While some mortality is unavoidable during a pandemic, the failure to properly protect the elderly and other vulnerable has led to over 45,000 UK and 225,000 US deaths and counting. Added to that total is the extensive collateral dam…

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    • Proud to have advised @realDonaldTrump to protect seniors and end lockdowns, working daily for months with world-class scientists @MartinKulldorff Bhattacharya & Gupta. #TrueExpertise #PolicyNotEpidemiology #FactsNotPolitics https://t.co/5Vqs5y5fnu

  • Mashup Score: 34

    If the misguided policy focus on infections continues after a successful vaccine is launched, even more damage will be done in the name of “science.”

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    • "Leaders who dare advocate for policies that lower mortality for high-risk pop'ns, but allow economic activity for others, are shamed by so-called experts without the relevant expertise." https://t.co/S2BxtSAJEU

  • Mashup Score: 333

    PROFESSOR SUNETRA GUPTA: Lockdown is a blunt, indiscriminate policy that forces the poorest and most vulnerable people to bear the brunt of the fight against coronavirus.

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    • 1/6 Proud to be friend & colleague of Sunetra Gupta, one of world's top epidemiologists, who exposes the outrageous personal attack, shameful false criticisms on expertise, & censorship from biased threatened academics. She, like me, doesn't need approval https://t.co/YwW0mmuXL2