• Mashup Score: 4

    How do we explain the fact that COVID-19 hospitalizations are rising in England? As physician and healthcare researcher Walid Gellad recently noted on twitter, there are effectively no immunologically naïve people left in that nation: almost everybody has been vaccinated or infected. That they are experiencing another wave of cases may not be surprising, given that immunity to COVID-19 manifests…

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    • I wrote down some thoughts about rising COVID-19 hospitalizations in England and the potential role of "incidental" infections. https://t.co/B9Ic8aFjN5 https://t.co/aHLLOVDNbf

  • Mashup Score: 4

    Since the expiration of funding for the COVID-19 uninsured program last Tuesday, the federal government will no longer cover the costs of COVID-19 treatment, testing, or vaccine administration for uninsured individuals. That means that these disadvantaged individuals will be subject to whatever hospitals and other providers charge for tests or care, which can be expected to lead to deferred care…

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    • In the last two years, uninsured people were covered for ~$600 of COVID-19 related care per person by the COVID-19 Uninsured Program, which is basically now over. That includes $360 for testing. End of this program = deferred testing/care & debt. https://t.co/i0f6trXP0a https://t.co/iJfpbGDgQG