• Mashup Score: 1

    Miles Fisher had it all: talent, charm and the face of a movie star. Problem was, it was a very specific movie star. After years of resenting the resemblance, Fisher embraced it through viral TikTok deepfakes that demonstrate AI’s astonishing power to deceive.

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    • Really well-written piece — it’s on deepfakes and now he’s part of a company that uses this tech in hollywood https://t.co/8iSD4IGuFN https://t.co/diFaMq5hku

  • Mashup Score: 6

    If the current work stoppage approaches the 100 days of 2007-08, the financial consequences could eclipse the last walkout’s, experts say. After that, all bets are off on who emerges with leverage over time.

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    • If a SAG strike occurs within the next month, that will be HUGE - productions will be shut down (this is already starting to occur). Studios are already quietly letting people go, which means the financial impact is being felt and could snowball https://t.co/7B0WVCyj76 (6/n)